The four Cs to consider when buying diamond engagement rings
Buying Diamond rings in Ottawa Ontario
for your fiancé can be an extremely exciting endeavor. To make your purchase
absolutely perfect, you need to gain a proper understanding of the 4Cs: Color,
Clarity, Cut, and Carat Weight. These four elements set the global standard for
assessing the quality of diamonds and allow you to compare one diamond to
another. Hence, paying heed to them is quite important while buying Diamonds in
Ottawa Ontario.
brief, the 4Cs are:
• Color:
Color of diamonds is ideally graded on a D-to-Z scale. Here D means that a
diamond is completely colorless, while Z means that it has a light brown or
yellowish hue. In this color range, diamonds with less color tend to be rarer
and are more sought-after.
• Clarity:
Clarity in diamonds refers to the absence of internal features or inclusions,
as well as surface irregularities or blemishes. Clarity is generally graded on
a scale from Flawless to Included.
• Cut:
The quality of the cut of a diamond determines how well shall it interact with
light. The symmetry, polish, and proportions of a diamond determine its
brightness or brilliance, scintillation or sparkle, as well as the flashes of
color it has.
• Carat
Weight: Diamond carat weight tends to determine the apparent size of the
diamond. The greater the carat weight, the more valuable and rare shall be the
diamond, if the other Cs are comparable.
Once you understand what the 4 Cs actually mean, the next step would be to ask yourself which C is most important to you. Prioritizing the Cs will help you to eliminate some of the options from your search, and help you to find the perfect Engagement rings in Ottawa Ontario. It will also allow you to work with your budget, as you would know which C you can compromise on and on which you may spend more money.
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