Effective Tips to Clean Your Diamond Rings at Home

You love your new diamond rings in Ottawa Ontario and the way they dance and sparkle in the light. However, over time your diamond ring can collect a lot of dirt, dust, and body oils and with daily wear and tear look tacky and old. While you can take your piece to a professional to clean, repair and maintain you need to understand how to clean your ring at home. This will not only help your diamond look stunning but help to remove any dirt, surface buildup, and more which can lead to irritation and rashes. Here are some tips to keep in mind. Secrets to keeping your diamond ring clean One of the tips to keep in mind when it comes to your diamonds in Ottawa, Ontario is that if it’s dirtied by common lotion, makeup, or cosmetics you can easily clean it at home. Make a solution of warm water with a gentle detergent and drop your ring in for around twenty minutes. You can then take a soft-bristled toothbrush and gently clean it between ...